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  Multithreading interview questions in Java

Multithreading as a widespread programming and execution model allows multiple threads to exist within the context of a single process. These threads share the process' resources but are able to execute independently. The threaded programming model provides developers with a useful abstraction of concurrent execution. However, perhaps the most interesting application of the technology is when it is applied to a single process to enable parallel execution on a multiprocessor system.Many programme...

   Multithreading,Java,Interview     2012-05-28 06:33:25

  Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  Want to make your Eclipse run faster? Try this

Lots of us may find that our Eclipse takes a long time to launch, remember how many times you want to close this heavy machine and shout "F**K". Do you know why Eclipse launches slowly? Is it because we have too many plugins installed or we have created too many projects? No, it's not. Sometimes, it's because we don't have the correct configuration. So where to start? Go to eclipse.ini. First, you may want to add below line in your eclipse.ini configuration file: -Xloggc:gc.log This is to show w...

   Eclipse,optimization,speed     2014-06-10 05:31:11

  Top 10 reasons to use a low-code platform

Generally, as the best coding platforms, low code includes low code app development, process development solutions and software development tools. IT users utilize low code solutions as a source of the required building blocks for the building of workflows and applications. The building blocks make it easier to assemble apps and workflows without requiring hand-coding. The growth of low-code platforms therefore levels business grounds by reducing the time spent in coding among other benefits.&nb...

   LOW CODE,PROGRAMMING     2021-02-18 19:43:49

  First Chinese app on Google Glass : is an open source PM2.5 project developed by BestApp. It retrieves PM2.5 data of different cities in China through a crawler and then processes the data retrieved. They also created an API which enables third parties to access these data. Now the team has built something new, they moved this project to Google Glass and developed the world's first Chinese Google Glass application -- Now users with Google Glass can check PM2.5 of different cities in China. The final effect on Goog...

   Google Glass,China,,BestApp     2013-06-23 10:17:40

  6 Great Ways to Design Amazing PWA’s

Why PWA v/s Native Mobile apps a wrong question to ask. PWA has already gathered a lot of momentum recently and is structured to give “App like” experience to its user base. Reveal all the extra layers underneath and create magic with brand new ideas to design progressive web apps. What comes to your mind when you imagine leading a progressive life? Definitely, it is going to be far better than  the previous one. Progressive Web Apps (PWA’s) are going to work to outweigh ...


  How to write your own DSL in Ruby

DSL(Domain Specific Language) is a language defined to fulfill some domain specific requirements to ease people's work. It can be used to define attributes and actions of a domain easily and cleanly. And it is often created based on some common observations or micro patterns of some domain. In Ruby world, there are quite a few places people can find DSL. For example, Ruby itself, Chef recipes. To create a class in Ruby, the traditional OOP way would look like. class User @name = nil @email =...

   RUBY,DSL,TUTORIAL     2017-03-04 09:40:34

  Is 99.8% Secure Secure?

A group of researchers (Arjen Lenstra and collaborators  from EPFL Lausanne and James Hughes from Palo Alto) published a study, Ron was wrong Whit is right, of new vulnerabilities of cryptosystems. The New York Times picked up the story. Although Lenstra et al discuss several cryptosystems, their results are particularly relevant to those based on RSA. The title mirrors their conviction that cryptosystems based on a single random element have fewe...

   Security,Percentage,Security index     2012-02-27 04:48:06

  The State of Digital Commerce and Smartphones

The ubiquitous nature of the smartphones and other mobile devices has given rise to a highly informed and connected consumer base. They walk into a retail outlet and they would already be whipping out their mobile devices to compare products or prices available in-store to those available online. Moreover, they expect the retailers to be well aware of not only the merchandise, but also about promotions and discounts on offer. Interestingly, the number of e-commerce transactions has been on the r...

   Ecommerce Web Development Company, Android App Developers     2015-09-09 04:57:31

  4 ways to obtain access token in OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization mechanism, it's ,mainly used for issuing access token. There are 4 ways to obtain access token as per RFC 6749. Authorization code Implicit Password Client credentials The third party application must obtain a client id and client secret from the target service before obtaining access token no matter which method to use. This is to prevent token to be used maliciously. Authorization code With this method, the third party application must first get an authorization...

   OAUTH2,ACCESS TOKEN,REFRESH TOKEN     2019-06-29 07:12:03